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Some random things I've learned along the way...


Don't let all of the tastiness go bad.

When you bake with real food ingredients, there are no preservatives.  Your goodies, if left out, will spoil within a day or so.  Ask my kids, you know quite quickly when this has happened.  My rule is this, if I bake muffins on Sunday, I'll put them in an airtight container and leave on the counter for maybe one day.  Tuesday I'll put them in the fridge.  If they are not gone by the weekend, into the freezer they go.


I get it, you don't want to waste these expensive ingredients on a crappy recipe.

I ALWAYS read the comments at the bottom of the page.  If no one has commented that they've actually made the recipe and liked it, I most likely won't try to make it.  The comments section is also a great way to see what other substitutions others have tried and worked.  Like for my sensitivity to eggs, I'll see if others have used a flax egg or left the egg out altogether and it still came out okay.


What if a recipe calls for an ingredient you don't like or are allergic/sensitive to?

Almost every damn recipe calls for garlic in some form.  I don't like garlic and garlic doesn't like me.  So, I ALWAYS leave it out.  I'm not sure we've ever noticed a difference.  Like what I listed above, see substitutions others have tried.  You can always just omit the ingredient or try replacing it with something you do lie and/or can tolerate.


Do you really need to use parchment paper?

Hell yes!  The #1 reason why is because it makes cleanup so much easier.  I line every pan (even glass 13X9) with parchment paper for casseroles, baked good, roasted veggies, sheet pan meals, etc.  The food won't stick and I can just throw the paper away.  If it's a really messy meal like some sheet pan meals can be, I'll put foil down with parchment paper on top.


The #2 reason is most of us use aluminum baking sheets.  Aluminum isn't good for us when it leaches into the food.  So the parchment paper adds a barrier. 


The best parchment paper is unbleached and chlorine free.


Coconut flour is super absorbent.  It really soaks up any liquid in a recipe and cannot be used in place of almond flour.


Almond flour is probably the most popular and best flour for baked goods. 


Cassava flour...I've tried using it a couple of times and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but nothing ever tastes right.


Tapioca and arrowroot are typically used in place of corn starch to thicken sauces. 


Trust me on this.  When you buy any nut butter (I'm talking organic of course), store it in your pantry upside down.  All of the oils will then go to the bottom so that when you open it, stirring will be so much easier.  You won't have the usual of oil spilling out and the bottom being so thick it won't even budge. 

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